Now that the trip is over, I feel like it’s time for a bit of a recap. These are some of the basic numbers that come out of the journey.
Countries visited: 27
Australia, East Timor, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Pakistan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Turkey, Greece, Albania, Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France, Monaco, England.
Continents crossed: 3
Australasia, Asia, Europe. (Only four left!)
Days on the road: 327 (10 months, 3 weeks)
Hours to fly home in the other direction: 26
Kilometres covered: 45,000
I don’t actually have the exact figure, due to my speedometer breaking down around half way through the trip. That figure is purely road distance, not including any boat trips.
Litres of Petrol burned: 5,400
On average we were using 6L per 100km (heavy loads, difficult roads, altitude) – thus per bike it was a little over two and a half thousand litres to complete the trip. That’s more fuel than the per-person usage on a Jumbo Jet for the same trip.
Boats taken: 14
Darwin-Dili (container ship), West Timor-Flores, Flores-Sumbawa, Sumbawa-Lombok, Lombok-Bali, Bali-Java, Java-Sumatra, Sumatra-Malaysia (onion boat), Thailand-Koh Lanta island (two!), Mekong crossing in Cambodia, Attabad Lake in Pakistan, Dardanelles in Turkey, Calais-Dover.
Mechanical Issues:
Three flat tyres, two severely worn sprocket/chain combos, two flat batteries, two broken mirrors, two broken indicators, one blown fork seal, one exhaust leak, one dashboard electrical problem.
Photos: 24,916
Note this is the number of photos I have kept in the archive – NOT the number of photos taken, as about half the time they were deleted on the spot for being out of focus or otherwise poor. Try doubling that figure for the number taken!
Blog Posts: 79 (not including this one!)
Memories: thousands
Regrets: zero!

Hey Dave,
Congratulations on finishing! Withdrawals must be kicking in soon? Do you have an email in which I can get in contact with you? I’ll be sending my passport back to Australia for the Pakistani Visa and just have a few questions.